Sunday, August 10, 2008

tossing and turning all night

It's after 4:00 in the morning and I haven't gone to sleep. I've tried and tried. It's been like this the last several nights and the entire next day I feel like I have narcolepsy. Not good. I am usually a good sleeper, but lately I have been thinking too much. Obsessing might be more accurate. Fixating would work. I won't go into what's been keeping me up as I like to keep things a little more on the light hearted side here, a little more 'foxy' if you will. It's definitely nothing that worrying will help. It will all be okay. That's what my mom tells me and I believe her! Or try to. Here's a quote from Mahatma Gandi that I like. “There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever." I am guilty, but I'm not going to worry about it.


wonderfulworldofwards said...

"four in the morning, came without a warning...."
-uno momento por favor while i step up on my soap box.-

well, in the mouth of two or three witnesses, shall every word be established...especially if those witnesses are saints! anyone closer to a saint than mama phyllis, you will not find.
and another foxier than you, there is not.


Kristen said...

oh rosanne! I asked, you answered. You always do.