Friday, March 13, 2009

i want somebody to share, share the rest of my life

Last night I had a date. Of sorts. I don't usually write about dates (I don't usually have dates?), but thought I would this time. I bought some beautiful new furniture for my house from this nice guy at a nearby furniture store. (You are cordially invited to come over and see it almost any time you'd like.) After the first part of the order was delivered, he called to see how I liked it. Probably store policy. The second part of the order arrived a few weeks later. He left another message this time leaving his cell phone number. Probably not store policy. Anyway, he came over last night to see how everything looked. He stayed for four hours talking and listening to music. A few of the highlights/lowlights: He told me he was helping someone move the next morning. I reminded him to lift with his knees so he wouldn't hurt his back. He asked, "Do you give good backrubs?" My response, "No." Later we were discussing something and I said, "I'm a prude. I'm kind of like a grandma." Friends, I think I may have cracked the code as to why I'm single.


Chrissy said...

Ah, virgin girl......

Post pix of your new furniture!! (along with the hi-fi you were listening to with your furniture man.)

Kristen said...

Chrissy! Not everybody knows the story of the time I went to the nail salon and when I expressed that I'd rather not be the only woman in the entire salon not wearing my clothes but instead a revealing terry cloth towel with a velcro closure and nothing else in order to get a neck massage and then was taunted with the phrase you mentioned.

Furniture Man came over again last night. I think we are going to be friends.

rocknbrocks said...

okay, I really want to see your new furniture, how fun.....and your new FRIEND! So could you like him, or are you JUST NOT THAT INTO HIM? Its evident that HE IS INTO YOU!