Tuesday, March 24, 2009

doctor, doctor, can't you see i'm burning, burning

I have sciatica. Or bursitis. Or something else. Or a medley of old crone problems. My hips hurt. My backside hurts. All the way down my leg hurts. My knee hurts. My foot hurts. I'm going to my first ever chiropractor visit tonight. I'm hoping she doesn't crack my back and kill me. It happens, you know. Fingers crossed. Tomorrow I go to my regular doc and see what he recommends. Out of order, I know. Oh well. I realized my parents never complain about their aches and pains. Never. They hobble now and then, but never talk about it. There might be a lesson there. I wonder what it is.


Anne said...

Funny, but we don't see chiropractors. Let me know how it goes.

Shonda said...

That's weird. I posted a comment days ago, but it's not here. I must have messed up my log-in or something.

How do you feel? Did the chiro help? I have had some good and bad experiences w/them. Some of them are pretty weird!

Kristen said...

I'm feeling better! Thanks for asking. I love Dr. Amy. What's not to like about someone paying attention and getting massages. Good stuff.

Shonda said...

Oh good! I'm glad you are feeling better!

rocknbrocks said...

I have been going to a chiro since I was 11. They do help me. But sometimes I think the more I go, the more I HAVE to go? I am at the point now where I can correct my neck myself, but know when I can't and then I go in. Good luck, how did the visit go? What did the doc say? Hope you feel better soon......You're not the only one with aches and pains!

rocknbrocks said...

what a cute picture of Shonda! yeah!

Ron and Ginny said...

About 20 years ago we had hip aches, etc. and some one told us to get a new mattress. Voila! We were fine again. That doesn't work so well at our age but we love our new mattress.