Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the long and winding road

I'm off to St. George to see my people for Thanksgiving- all around wonderful brother Matthew, beautiful and kind sister-in-law Megan, adorable nephew Chase, and sweet baby Gracie Lu. I was thinking maybe I'd just stay home and visit later (car air conditioner blowing warm air, radio out of commission, long drive alone), but realized I'd just be sad not to be with them. I was also looking forward to seeing my friend Kim who has invited me to stay over Tuesday night. I'm also hoping to see my friend Gayla. Christine has saved the day (again) and loaned me her Ipod. Christine is my angel of music. It will make all the difference.


rocknbrocks said...

Great place to spend Thanksgiving! How can Matthew have his own family......wasn't it just last year that he and Jared were playing the backyard?

wonderfulworldofwards said...

you are clever! LOL!!! Love it! Sing, my angel of music!!!

wonderfulworldofwards said...

you took the [one]road less traveled by And that has made all the difference